Graphic Design
Corporate identity is the pieces, aspects, ideas, methods and techniques a company uses to differentiate itself from the rest. When a brand is associated with a color, a combination of colors, shapes, pictures, phrases, music, etc. a corporate identity plan has been carried out. It's proven that a company that has a consistent corporate identity is taken much more seriously than those that don't.
Why should you choose us for designing your corporate identity?
Because SGD Networks team of professional graphic designers and marketing experts helps you build a powerful and recognizable corporate identity that gives uniqueness to your company. Eventually, this will give you an enormous advantage over your competitors.
The corporate Identity package includes the Logos Stationery (Letterheads, Business Cards Envelops) Brochures Leaflets Hordings Posters Calendars Invitations Collateral( Carry Bags, Boxes) posters, CD labels, booklets, sticker
SGD Networks - The best Graphic Designing Company and Graphic Designers